A session record is created on the first request (the login page). As I can see, the session does not contain login information for the IMAP server. This means that the IMAP login failed (for whatever reason). The webmail has not been tested with many IMAP servers yet and it could be possible that there's a general communication problem between RoundCube and your IMAP server. For debugging you can print out the global variable $iil_error to see, if there' were any socket errors while connection to IMAP.
Regards, Thomas
2005/10/4, Rodolfo segleaur@gmail.com:
K, I've been digging into this a bit further. Seems that when I try to log in as any user, rcube updates the DB with session information, but it doesn't seem to create a corresponding user record in the users table. For example, loggging in with mailadmin as a user, the only entry in the mysql log is this:
INSERT INTO session (sess_id, vars, created, changed) VALUES ('e73688aafc73be78b2089e5cbe36f409', 'client_id|s:32:"e73688aafc73be78b2089e5cbe36f409";user_lang|s:2:"en";auth_time|i:1128394400;auth|s:40:"f3a3e88c1f2781fad6bbb2d1132d 4c8a5e7647e0";task|s:4:"mail";', NOW(), NOW());
but yet the user table stays empty. obviously, i do have the auto registration option set to TRUE in main.inc.php.
I'm using the CVS tree, so i don't know if that's partially the problem, but it doesn't seem to work either with the stable release. from what i can tell, there's no indication that an IMAP log in is being requested (I have cyrus logging everything at this point to see what's what).
Any ideas?
cheers, rodolfo