Hi again,
I had some spare time this evening so I decided to check the idea I posted previously. The result is the following code, to try it just replace the _list_headers() function in /program/include/rcube_imap.inc with this one.
It implements a somewhat better caching algorithm by taking advantage of the spec's incremental sequences for messages. If a mailbox is cached and there is a new message received, when loading the mailbox again we will just get two headers: the last one already in the cache and the new one. If the last one's UID is the same as the cached one then nothing else is done, otherwise (perhaps a message was deleted using another client) an intelligent cache revalidation is performed. The cache revalidation fetches from older to newer all the messages in blocks of N headers. It keeps fetching blocks until we find a header with same ID and UID in the cache and in the block. So it gets much faster than the current code, specially for huge mailboxes.
The original code has a 'bug' in which it uses the cache if the number of messages is the same in the mailbox and in the cache. In the case that a message is deleted and a new one stored in the mailbox, this comparison will show up the cache which is not up to date.
ciao, ivan
// private method for listing message header function _list_headers($mailbox='', $page=NULL, $sort_field='date', $sort_order='DESC') { $a_out = array(); $cached_count = 0;
if (!strlen($mailbox))
return $a_out;
$mbox_count = $this->_messagecount($mailbox /*, 'ALL', TRUE*/);
$revalidate = false;
if ($mbox_count) {
// get cached headers
$a_out = $this->get_cache($mailbox.'.msg');
$a_out = is_array($a_out)?$a_out:array(); //make sure we get an
array $cached_count = count($a_out);
$a_new = array();
$revalidate = true; //revalidate by default
//if the cache count is greater then there have been changes for
sure if ($cached_count <= $mbox_count) { $from = $cached_count?$cached_count:1;
//get new headers (at least one is returned)
$a_temp = iil_C_FetchHeaders($this->conn, $mailbox, $from .
':' . $mbox_count);
$duplicated = $cached_count?true:false;
foreach ($a_temp as $hdr) {
//skip the first one if duplicated
if ($duplicated) {
//check for changes using the UID
if ($hdr->uid === end($a_out)->uid)
$revalidate = false;
$duplicated = false;
//skip deleted ones
if (! $hdr->deleted)
$a_new[ $hdr->uid ] = $hdr;
//revalidate cache if needed
$to = $mbox_count - count($a_new);
if ($revalidate && $to !== 0) {
//we'll needt o reindex the array so we have to make a copy
$a_dirty = $a_out;
$a_out = array();
$a_buffers = array();
//fetch chunks of 20 headers
$step = 20;
$found = false;
//fetch headers in blocks starting from new to old
do {
$from = $to-$step;
if ($from < 1) $from = 1;
//store the block in a temporal buffer
$a_buffers[$from] = iil_C_FetchHeaders( $this->conn,
$mailbox, $from . ':' . $to);
//compare the fetched headers with the ones in the cache
$idx = 0;
foreach ($a_buffers[$from] as $k=>$hdr) {
//if it's different the comparison ends
if (!isset($a_dirty[$hdr->uid]) ||
$a_dirty[$hdr->uid]->id !== $hdr->id) break;
//if we arrive here then we know that the older
messages in cache are ok $found = $hdr->id; $idx++; }
//remove from the buffer the headers which are already
cached if ($found) $a_buffers[$from] = array_splice($a_buffers[$from], 0, $idx );
$to = $from-1;
} while ($found===false && $from > 1);
//just keep the headers we are certain that didn't change in
the cache if ($found !== false) { foreach ($a_dirty as $hdr) { if ($hdr->id > $found) break; $a_out[$hdr->uid] = $hdr; } }
//we builded the block buffers from new to older, we process
them in reverse order ksort($a_buffers, SORT_NUMERIC); foreach ($a_buffers as $a_buff) { foreach ($a_buff as $hdr) { if (! $hdr->deleted) $a_out[$hdr->uid] = $hdr; } } }
//array_merge() would reindex the keys, so we use this 'hack'
$a_out += $a_new;
//write headers list to cache if needed
if ($revalidate || count($a_out)!=$cached_count) {
$this->update_cache($mailbox.'.msg', $a_out);
//sort headers by a specific col
$a_out = iil_SortHeaders( $a_out, $sort_field, $sort_order );
// return complete list of messages
if (strtolower($page)=='all')
return $a_out;
$start_msg = ($this->list_page-1) * $this->page_size;
return array_slice($a_out, $start_msg, $this->page_size);