On 6/19/07, Benjamin Podszun ben@galactic-tales.de wrote:
till wrote:
On 6/19/07, Brett Patterson brett@bpatterson.net wrote:
Depending upon the server (apache, lighttpd, etc.) an entirely new box is not necessary to run php4 and php5 concurrently ;)
Correct - I've managed to make it run with fcgi (Apache2). Then Gentoo for example has this CONCURRENTPHP USE flag (which didn't work for me, but is supposed to work), I've also had both modules (in different Apaches with mod_proxy) on FreeBSD.
It's doable, but not so pretty.
I'd argue that it's very easy to do (via fast-cgi) and the only option to run PHP anyway, if you are concerned about security. Especially with lighttpd this takes merely minutes to support this. I don't run php5, but I do run a separate php interpreter per "customer", each with their own php.ini. Once you have this setup up and running it's pretty sexy imo.
Ok, as far as sexyness is concerned your setup is nice! ;-)
Sometimes fcgi has unexpected results, so I do like module better (call me conservative) when I am hosting clients. For myself - if I have time to tweak - I most likely use ligthy as well, and you are absolutely that it's a no-brainer to setup.
With Apache, it is not always as simple. Which is not against Apache** (just for the record), but we rely on it extensively in certain situations and I don't have the time to for example "translate" rewrite rules for each clients because all of the sudden they stopped working and pointing out documentation to them is really not an option then. ;-)
Also think about it - let's say, Joomla distributes rewrite rules. But they are for Apache, are they easy to translate for you and me? Yep, but for a client who's already struggling with a web installer and "chmod'ing" it looks impossible.
We also use some modules which are only available for Apache (maybe they are alternatives), but you don't turn away so easily if everything is working just fine - except for a duality in PHP. And even that works (with mod_vhs, fcgi PHP and so on).
Cheers, Till
** Also not against lighty or any other webserver. ;-))