Could you comlpete it for commercial use?



----- Original Message -----

From: Ian Lewis

Sent: 03/13/12 10:33 AM


Subject: Re: [RCD] Forces behind the Reloads

If you're going to 'program', anything is possible, but you would move 
off the standard Roundcube build. How's your PHP and Javascript? If 
you're asking 'is there a settings checkbox that does what you want', 
then no. 

I am developing on Roundcube as a base, to have three multi-purpose 
panes that are more persistent - "contacts/folders", "email list" and 
"preview/edit", with each pane updating without a page reload. Compose, 
addressbook and inbox functionality are combined on the same "page". 
Roundcube is a pretty good base but there's no way this could be done 
without modifying the main code. The techique is definitely possible but 
my code is just a personal experiment. 


On 2012-03-13 02:56, M K wrote: 
> Is it possible to program roundcube so that not to reload the entire 
> page every time clicking [compose, settings, addressbook, inbox] 
> folders;? 
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