On Fri, 25 Jan 2008 18:57:02 +0100, "Raoul Bhatia [IPAX]" r.bhatia@ipax.at wrote:
On Fri, 2008-01-25 at 18:35 +0100, Michael Baierl wrote:
till wrote:
I guess it wouldn't hurt to make this configurable. ;-)
I agree, but I would also say that ZIP is the de-facto standard that is supported by all Operating Systems. And why build up something where you can choose between zip, arj, rar, gz, bz2 when practically all do the same and just one is needed?
So I would really recommend using ZIP only (using the PHP extension http://uk.php.net/zip) to keep the code simple and maintainable.
ack - but making a generic framework where you can substitute .zip with something else might not hurt.
maybe there is a possibility to make it in a way, that it can be used as a "convert 2 something" tool.
so a zip download might be a "convert all 2 .zip". and in addtion, there could be a "convert pdf 2 txt" or similar.
too complicated?
Yes. :)
Seriously. I just got done talking with the developer of pecl-phar. zip support is right around the corner. To those that do not already have zip support on their boxen can /easily/ add support for a multi-format archiver for /free/, and do it quite easily. Let's face it, a brand new winboxen has little support for /many/ things, and those that get a brand new winboxen will be installing all their favorite tools/utilities anyway. What's so difficult about getting something as handy as a free multi-format archiver anyway? Besides, it's pretty hard to get a lot of windows related stuff that isn't packed with winrar. What do they do then? Get winrar, of course. Right?
Bottom line. Given that /administrators/ will be largely responsible for how RC works, and given that PHP readily handles all the other compressors. Doesn't it make more sense to go with what already comes with their PHP/ server base. Then let /them/ decide what packer/unpacker is best suited for their userbsase?
Just thought it was worth mentioning.
cheers, raoul -- ____________________________________________________________________ DI (FH) Raoul Bhatia M.Sc. email. r.bhatia@ipax.at Technischer Leiter
IPAX - Aloy Bhatia Hava OEG web. http://www.ipax.at Barawitzkagasse 10/2/2/11 email. office@ipax.at 1190 Wien tel. +43 1 3670030 FN 277995t HG Wien fax. +43 1 3670030 15 ____________________________________________________________________
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