minor correction,

it is correct as you stated that its the IMAP that is in between and handles the mail access
but it does mater on whether it is a Maildir or mbox when it comes to performance, if you have
 a system with very high access you will notice tremendous performance difference between the two.
this would lead to possible timeouts and the RC application to fail on individual calls, this is theoratical
but very possible in high usage scenarios with poor disk/raid setup where the mail data is stored.

On 1/10/07, Michael Bueker <m.bueker@berlin.de> wrote:
Justin Frydman wrote:
> I am considering an upgrade to dovecot which uses maildir instead of
> mbox, will roundcube still function?

I've been using dovecot with maildir together with roundcube for over
half a year.

In fact, roundcube only connects to dovecot via IMAP. Wether behind the
IMAP there is mbox or maildir doesn't even matter much.


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