"A message that you sent contained one or more recipient addresses that were incorrectly constructed:
Corp <livers@jtpre.com, tmcmanus@jtpre.com, jreidy@jtpre.com>: malformed address: , tmcmanus@jtpre.com, jreidy@jtp may not follow Corp <livers@jtprecom
This address has been ignored. There were no other addresses in your message, and so no attempt at delivery was possible."
This error is popping up when our people are trying to use groups. When we remove Corp< and > it goes through fine. Doesn't look like roundcube is parsing out the extra code when generating the emails.
Is this is a known error that is fixed in the latest CVS? Admittedly, I have not updated the installation in about a month.
Thanks, --Charles