2010.10.11 12:09, Dafydd Tomos rašė:
On Oct 11, 2010, Rimas Kudelis wrote:
That I absolutely agree with. Header names should be left untouched. I even think that perhaps they shouldn't have ended up localizable at all.
They're only used for display purposes aren't they? Reply-To is such a well-known header that it seems ok to translate it, just like From and Subject. In Welsh at least, that header translates very easily.
Other software like Thunderbird have translated labels for headers (and don't bother with hyphens as they're only there for display)
Mail-Reply-To and Mail-Followup-To is actually a bit harder to translate (without creating a very long header name) so that's at least an argument not to translate.
But technically, I can't see a reason why the displayed values shouldn't be localizable.
I differentiate "Reply To:" from "Reply-To:". The former is informative text, meanwhile the latter is just a header name.
Consider the aforementioned situation with "Reply-To:" and "Mail-Reply-To:" as separate headers. While there are two of them, only one will be used when actually replying. The content of that header should be shown next to the "Reply To:" text, regardless of what the actual header name is. OTOH, once I click the details arrow, contents of both headers should be shown, along with all other headers.
To rephrase it, as long as "Reply To:" is a semantic label meaning "the address to reply to by default", I see no problem translating it. But it's not the same thing as the header name. Real header names should IMO be left untouched.
I hope I made myself clear, feel free to ask for clarification if I didn't.
Rimas _______________________________________________ List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/dev/ BT/aba52c80