Am 20.05.2013 21:03, schrieb A.L.E.C:
would RC use simply session_start() and not fuckup the admin settings it *would* in fact use /var/www/sessiondata and it would it use *with success*
We use custom session handler for a reason and we'll not change that
and the reason is?
why does RC need a custom session handler if much more complex applications are not rely on such hacks
I'd say it's PHP/MariaDB issue
i would say since RC is the only application not running in this setup it is clearly a roundcube issue
The warning message is misleading, session.save_path setting is irrelevant in Roundcube
i know that but since RC does lot log anything else and the setup is running as all of my production servers with error_reporting E_ALL there is not much to debug