W dniu 13.12.2010 19:59, Tadashi Jokagi wrote:
You should send translation updates to mailing list to prevent race condition in committing changes ;) You should use output from Roundcube Translator, because when many users are sending translations it's simpler to make a diff.
I made translation files, I use translator.
I want to say, if more than one person is working on the same file and one uses Translator and the second isn't (e.g. by adding some comments, empty lines, etc.) then diffs contain more changes that only translation changes.
Your case 2) is not an issue. Messages are not often changed. Translator does allow to change existing label/message if you select "Show translated text".
No, I want say "It cannot track, when a original(English) message is changed." I read sourcecode of translator.
I understand. Translator will not track this for you, but we don't do such changes often. It was a few times in a history. Sorry, for that inconvenience. Maybe we should handle such cases by notifying dev's mailing list.