The reason you are getting this error, in addition to the sendmail error, is because your webserver cannot write to your logs directory.  If it could, it would have created the sendmail file for you, and you wouldn't have received that error (and by the way, the sendmail log was not new with the latest release, its always been there). 
    The fopen(logs/errors) message is again because your webserver cannot write to the logs directory, and chmod 777 is not the best answer to this problem.  Idealy, set the owner or group of the directory and files to the same as your webserver, and allow that group/user to read and write.
    One final thing.  We all appreciate the debugging of roundcube, but could you try to accumulate a couple things and put them together in one email, instead of sending several emails in a row to the list?  Just best to avoid sending excess emails to the list.



Geuis Teses wrote:
I think someone mentioned this before but I'm not sure.

When login fails, we get the pretty red box, but it also shows the php error:

Warning: fopen(logs/errors): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/public_html/webmail/program/include/ on line 70
IMAP Error in (): Authentication failed (LOGIN):
"a001 NO LOGIN failed"
