Mozilla has:

For Windows in General (yeah, I know)

and for me, on OS X (has a reg hack for Win, too, but my bat instincts say no...)

Obviously, we should take these and make one that's better-branded - but just FYI. 


On Dec 12, 2005, at 10:20 AM, Jared W. Alessandroni wrote:

You'd need something equivalent of the Google Notifier - even a Windows Reg hack (for you Windozers) wouldn't cut it because you'd have to both query the program (which is easy) then the URL (which is quite hard, esp. the way Roundcube handles its get strings - on the other hand, with a hack to RC that would allow a universal URL to compose...) - I bet the RC Notifier could be done.  And, I like it better than a browser hack - they're too unstable.  Looking for a means by which to do it on OS X right now... Don't leave Linux out, though!


On Dec 12, 2005, at 10:10 AM, Dan Wang wrote:

I was thinking of website mailto's and not mailto's inside an email.  oops!
