I hit a road block and I've kind of been putting off finishing up the SMIME support because of it.  I originally didn't have a password protected private keys for testing purposes, but have now added that.  Prior to that signing and decrypting worked just fine.  Now with the password, I can get Enigma to prompt for the password if it's not cached for signing outgoing (in the compose task) but I'm not able to figure out how to get it to prompt for the password from the inbox task when attempting to decrypt a message.  If the password is cached the message decrypts perfectly. 

I tried looking at how this is handled for PGP encrypted messages but everything I've tried hasn't worked.  Any pointers at all would be appreciated. 

My repo is at https://github.com/guitarmanusa/roundcubemail-1 in the SMIME branch.

Thanks in advance.
