Hello all. Please find attachment and diffs with the possibility of importing an address book in ldif format. You can import books directly from Thunderbird! The file ldiftovcard.php is litte improved. It may be useful to someone. ALEC may be able to throw it into the main branch of the program. Best regards Jan Michlik
diff import.inc import.inc~orig 146,154c146,148 < < //convert ldif to vcard - Jasiu < if (end(explode('.', $_FILES['_file']['name'])) == 'ldif'){ < require_once 'ldiftovcard.php'; < $cardsprocessed = string_convert_ldif_to_vcard(file_get_contents($_FILES['_file']['tmp_name']), $vcard_file_string); < $vcards = $vcard_o->import($vcard_file_string); < }else{ < $vcards = $vcard_o->import(file_get_contents($_FILES['_file']['tmp_name']));
$vcards =
diff labels.inc labels.inc~orig 301c301 < $labels['importtext'] = 'Możesz dodać kontakty z istniejącej książki adresowej.<br/>Aktualnie możliwy jest import kontaktów w formacie <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VCard">vCard</a> lub <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LDAP_Data_Interchange_Format">LDIF</a>.';
$labels['importtext'] = 'Możesz dodać kontakty z istniejącej książki
adresowej.<br/>Aktualnie możliwy jest import kontaktów w formacie <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VCard">vCard</a>.';