On item: Can we add a simple update scripte for developers - update to latest SVN / http://trac.roundcube.net/ticket/1484742
Seen the comments on this ticket. Would like to add some thought on it.
I understand that the core developers have SVN installed and can work with tortoise fine. But I think a lot of others out there don’t use these two programs, or sometimes don’t have the ability to access and/or install SVN on the ISP server - or don’t have a local installation. On the other hand: when bugs are fixed there is often a statement that one should update to latest SVN to test. I have the idea that the issue logger often thinks it is to much of a hassle to reinstall (and even find out how and where to download the latest SVN - then copy config, chmod log directory and continue). The users that log the bugs are not developers and sometimes technology adverse.
Another way would be to have a a tester and developer only version available that always runs the latest SVN.