
I'm not sure about other platforms, but MacOS X is currently shipped with PHP4:

% php -v
PHP 4.4.1 (cli) (built: Apr  3 2006 22:18:26)
Copyright (c) 1997-2004 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v1.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2004 Zend Technologies

 I'm sure other MacOS users would appreciate PHP 4 compatibility until this changes (even though I typically still build my own version so I can add modules).  Is PHP 5 becoming more of a standard?


On Wed, 07 Jun 2006 07:27:05 -0400, Hans L wrote:

Hi -

I'm very impressed with roundcube and would like to suggest it as our
replacement webbmail platform at work. Great project!

I was wondering whether there is any interest in a PHP 5.1-only version
of this software. I would be very willing to help port the software to
PHP5, using exceptions, PDO, etc., since I will most probably be doing
an in-depth code review anyway. Is there any interest in a PHP5-only
branch? From a developer perspective, I think it makes for a
significantly more debuggable & maintainable (and, in some ways, secure)
codebase, but I understand there also are (a lot) of folks still running
PHP4. (Not sure if many roundcube users are also running PHP4?)

Regards -