
I have using roundcube 0.2 beta in production environment and works fine.

I did a couple of small changes to customize for our needs, I’d like to share.

Here’s one.


I used $rcmail_config['generic_message_footerl'] = 'disclaimer.html'; as a disclaimer but the problem is that the text only mails were with html codes.

So, I modified the config to:


$rcmail_config['generic_message_footer_html'] = 'disclaimer.html';

$rcmail_config['generic_message_footer_txt'] = 'disclaimer.txt';


Then I changed the file: program/steps/mail/

I removed the original line as:


if (!$savedraft && !empty($CONFIG['generic_message_footer']) && ($footer = file_get_contents(realpath($CONFIG['generic_message_footer']))))

                $message_body .= "\r\n" . rcube_charset_convert($footer, 'UTF-8', $message_charset);



And added it right below:



if ($isHtml)

{       # MOD START

        if (!$savedraft && !empty($CONFIG['generic_message_footer_html']) && ($footer = file_get_contents(realpath($CONFIG['generic_message_footer_html']))))

                $message_body .= "\r\n" . rcube_charset_convert($footer, 'UTF-8', $message_charset);

        # MOD END




  // add a plain text version of the e-mail as an alternative part.

  $h2t = new html2text($message_body);

  $plainTextPart = wordwrap($h2t->get_text(), 998, "\r\n", true);

  if (!strlen($plainTextPart))


    // empty message body breaks attachment handling in drafts

    $plainTextPart = "\r\n";


  $MAIL_MIME->setTXTBody(html_entity_decode($plainTextPart, ENT_COMPAT, 'utf-8'));


  // look for "emoticon" images from TinyMCE and copy into message as attachments





        # MOD START

        if (!$savedraft && !empty($CONFIG['generic_message_footer_txt']) && ($footer = file_get_contents(realpath($CONFIG['generic_message_footer_txt']))))

                $message_body .= "\r\n" . rcube_charset_convert($footer, 'UTF-8', $message_charset);

        # MOD END



Hope it helps someone. Maybe it would be usefull to be included in next release.

Thanks in advnce.



Jonathan Araújo

Administrador de Infra-estrutura de TI

Gerência de TI - INDG S.A.



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