I just realized that the problem of listen events does not seem to affect the plugin keyboard_shortcuts only, but also core functions.
At least I just ran into a situation where I wanted to delete a message with the Del key. This didn't work, the key was ignored.
After I clicked on another message and then on the previous message again, the Del key instantly did what it should.
So I'm asking again: Has there been any significant change in 0.9-git with regards to listen events (which may be incompatible with IE8)...?
An answer would really be appreciated. I definitely would like to avoid that this issue makes its way to a beta or release version of 0.9.
Michael Heydekamp Co-Admin freexp.de Düsseldorf/Germany
Am 08.11.2012 23:39, schrieb Cor Bosman:
On Nov 8, 2012, at 11:14 PM, Michael Heydekamp listuser@freexp.de wrote:
The attached plugin keyboard_shortcuts v2.0 doesn't work anymore with RC 0.9-git and IE8. It does work flawlessly with RC 0.8.2 and IE8, though.
So the question is: Has there been any significant change in 0.9-git with regards to listen events which may make this plugin inoperative?
I did already contact Cor Bosman who removed some Javascript debug code and released v2.0.2 (see also attached). This partially solved the problem, but I'm still running into situations where certain keys (especially the help "?" key) don't work from time to time.
So we're somewhat stuck at this stage. As even keyboard_shortcuts v2.0 (WITH the debug code) works with RC 0.8.2 and IE8, it more seems to be an RC issue rather than a plugin issue. Probably in combination with a browser issue.
The debug code was merely a console.log which for some reason doesnt work anymore in 0.9. This may affect other plugins/code as well.
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