Am 25.11.2012 09:07, schrieb Rosali:
But I tested our Roundcube Installations with my LG P500 (Android 2.3.3) and with Android x86 (4.0). I is imposible to realy use Roundcube with it. You can login, see your mails, but than you can not open one to read. It makes no difference 0.8 or 0.9 GIT or classic or larry. But every smartphone have an usable MUA onboard.
There are separate projects for mobile skins. F.e.
Commercial license is not free.
Thank you. If I realy need mobile use of our rundcube-installation, I will use it, but thats not the case. Mobil I use Android E-Mail. Only at an Desktop (Home or at Work or at my club) I use Roundcube.