On Fri, Dec 30, 2005 at 08:16:40PM -0700, Justin Frydman wrote:
Hi all,
I noticed that if I add a name such as O'Toole in the address book it will display as O'Toole. Not sure if this is specific to my php config or not, or it simply needs stripslashes() function applied before outputting.
For what it's worth - I am using the following snippet I found once on the PHP website in all my projects in a global include that is loaded before every other action...
// strip magic quotes from Superglobals... if ((bool) get_magic_quotes_GPC()) { // by "php Pest" // Really EGPCSR - Environment $_ENV, GET $_GET , POST $_POST, Cookie $_COOKIE, Server $_SERVER // and their HTTP_*_VARS cousins (separate arrays, not references) and $_REQUEST $fnStripMagicQuotes = create_function( '&$mData, $fnSelf', 'if (is_array($mData)) { foreach ($mData as $mKey=>$mValue) $fnSelf($mData[$mKey], $fnSelf); return; } '. '$mData = stripslashes($mData);' ); $fnStripMagicQuotes($_POST, $fnStripMagicQuotes); // do each set of EGPCSR as you find necessary $fnStripMagicQuotes($_GET, $fnStripMagicQuotes); $fnStripMagicQuotes($_REQUEST, $fnStripMagicQuotes); }
magic_quotes is one of the most evil things in PHP - it should've been dumped in Version 4, but ...