well well well.

forget everything from my last 2 mails, I'm an idiot.

the root cause of all my problems is that rcube_contacts->insert returns the insert_id as an integer in RC 0.8 series and as a string in rc 0.9 series.
so this code in step/addressbook/save :

  if ($result) {
    // LDAP DN change
    if (is_string($result) && strlen($result)>1) {
      $newcid = $result;
      // change cid in POST for 'show' action
      $_POST['_cid'] = $newcid;

doesn't create newcid in 0.8 but does in 0.9 leading to malfunction.

so adding an explicit integer cast in my plugin on plugin['result'] let me recover previous behaviour.

is it explicitely defined somewhere that rcube_contacts->insert should return a string or an integer ?



Le 07/12/2013 19:21, Sébastien BLAISOT a écrit :

Maybe I found the reason behing this.

get_record has a design flaw I think :
When assoc=true and the given id doesn't exist (which can happend, believe me :) ) then :
db_fetch_assoc is false, leading to empty record, and the following line :
return $assoc && $record ? $record : $this->result;

returns $this->result which has not been updated. It takes the result of the last search !

I think there is a algorithm error behind this.

can you confirm ?

End everything behind this is that contact modification can't handle addressbook change in the middle of the process anymore, which was possible before the introduction of roundcube framework.


Le 07/12/2013 17:49, Sébastien BLAISOT a écrit :
Hi everybody,

since RC 0.9b, there is a bug in my automatic_addressbook plugin when editing a contact with th move_to config option set to 1
This means that when editing a contact in the collected_abook, it is saved in the default abook and removed from its original collected_abook
(calling $CONTACTS->insert and setting abort to true and result to the new cid)

the log is showing :
[07-Dec-2013 14:18:16 Europe/Paris] PHP Fatal error:  Cannot use object of type rcube_result_set as array in /var/www/vhosts/ssl_common/webmail/test/rc09b/program/steps/addressbook/save.inc on line 134

this seams to come from the following lines of code in program/steps/addressbook/save :
    $record = $CONTACTS->get_record($newcid ? $newcid : $cid, true);
    $record['email'] = reset($CONTACTS->get_col_values('email', $record, true));

it seems to me that get_record return in general a record, but can return in some circonstances a rcube_result_set object and the next line of code can't handle this (array assignation on a rcube_result_set object).

Can somebody confirme this ?
What are the condition for get_record to return an rcube_result_set with only 1 object in it ?

I don't already understand very well what happens but I can make additionnal tests to help debug this.

If you can confirme this seems to be a bug, I'll file a bug report.



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