Hi Vladislav,

VB> I'm pretty sure that I'm able to reproduce this on ALL recent roundcube

VB> versions (at least from 0.3-beta) WITHOUT thread patch applied.

VB> How to reproduce (I tried to nail it down to the simplest case that

VB> shows error):

VB> 1) Open folder that contains a bit more messages then could be shown on

VB> a single page (f.e. 41 message with 40 rows limit).

VB> 2) Select and delete any number of messages, but not one and not all.

VB> You may do it with either method (mouse or keyboard).

VB> 3) Try to select all messages on a page after remaining messages are

VB> loaded to list. Artifact is shown. You are unable to select one of

VB> messages (which has duplicate in another row).

VB> Thus, I'd say that bug shown in Eric's video is not related to a

VB> threaded-view patch and is a separate long-standing issue.

VB> Hope this will help to fix this.

VB> Should I open a ticket in trac? Or someone can find erroneous code quite

VB> quickly?

VB> Eric, would you try to check it again on a clean RC installation without

VB> threading patch?

VB> Vladislav.

VB> BTW, deleted message rows are not removed from a DOM model, they only

VB> switched to a hidden state. I'm not sure if this is an expected

VB> behavior. Can they ever be removed from the inside of JS?

I cannot reproduce it on clean RC 

In my case comes the bug only with a 

thread patched RC. 

I test this today with a diffrent envoirement.

many thanks 

Vladislav, A.L.E.C and all Involved !!