I cut & paste that line from the last release index.php to the newest release index.php and everything worked fine.

Kevin Kelley

On 10/22/05, Patrick DECAT < pdecat@gmail.com> wrote:
I had to remove the .htaccess (which was not present in the previous
release) to make it work on my server.

It contains PHP specific lines which likely are not understood by my
server, plus I already have a restrictive .htaccess in my server root.


On 10/22/05, josef maung <josef@josefismael.com> wrote:
> I did a fresh install of the latest version of roundcube on my server
> and i think i'm
> running into major problems with it's include_path statement in the index.
> I ran the previous build with no problems, but this looks to be the
> primary difference between the 2 (in the index at least)
> ****
> // define global vars
> $INSTALL_PATH = './';
> $OUTPUT_TYPE = 'html';
> $JS_OBJECT_NAME = 'rcmail';
> if ($CURRENT_PATH!='')
> // set environment first
> // ini_set('include_path', $INSTALL_PATH.PATH_SEPARATOR.$CURRENT_PATH.
> ini_get('include_path'));
> ****
> The problem is that i get an error like this when I go to
> the application's dir:
> ****
> Warning: main(program/lib/des.inc): failed to open stream: No such
> file or directory in /home/.hansel/josefismael/josefismael.
> com/outloud/maildir/program/include/main.inc on line 22
> Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required 'program/lib/des.inc'
> (include_path='program') in /home/.hansel/josefismael/josefismael.
> com/outloud/maildir/program/include/main.inc on line 22
> ****
> I tried modifying the .htaccess file in the application's dir like
> this:
> ****
> include_path=":/program"
> // the location of most of the files it needs
> ****
> but all i come up with then is a generic 500 server error.
> My php skills are meager at best, without hard-coding every reference
> in the app, is there another way to set that path in the index (like
> it's trying to do) to hunt for the directories it needs
> to see?
> thanks
> Josef