On 1/18/06, Jon Daley <roundcube@jon.limedaley.com> wrote:

I am willing to put up with some instability, but I want it to work most of the time.  Should I stick with the official releases?  I am familiar with cvs (and svn - glad to hear that you are converting over sometime soon) and comfortable working on code.

Do you have a suggestion?

Well, there are alpha releases and beta releases (or milestones). With alpha releases use CVS, because alpha release are by definition are by definition unstable. Therefore the question is largely should you stick with the old unstable version or the new one. I recommend the new one, because ... well .. the product is more complete (whatever that means). With beta I usually use milestone relases myself -- beta software is usually feature complete and milestones don't usually have huge showstoppers either.


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