Am 07.06.2013 07:20, schrieb Rimas Kudelis:

2013.06.06 22:33, Arne Berglund wrote:
Unlike Roundcube (which has a user-pref whether to strip signatures or not), Thunderbird does not appear to have an option to disable that behavior. (Or rather, I've not been able to find it, nor have more experienced Thunderbird users with whom I work.) Nor is it feasible to ask anyone to whom my users might send to change their email client prefs.
A little clarification:
When you are reading a message, Thunderbird displays all of it, but 
anything starting with the '-- ' line will be presented in grey by default.
Only when you are replying to a message, that "signature" is removed.

So in case of top posting with the signature and the '--  ' separator inserted after the new text instead of at the end, the signature and all the following text would get removed, which is definitely unwanted. Therefore imho it makes sense to use '---' or something else instead of the well known '-- '.

Maybe a start and an end separator would be useful to allow to cut the signature out on reply... 
