On 09 Mar 2015, at 18:06, Michael Heydekamp listuser@freexp.de wrote:
Am 09.03.2015 19:27, schrieb Cor Bosman:
Fixed in https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/commit/87ff88d55 https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/commit/87ff88d55
Thanks Thomas, duh. That was that last change I did, and didnt pay attention :)
So, are we done now or is more information from our side still required...?
Currently I'm not encountering any terminated sessions anymore.
But, Cor: If you do such a code change, shouldn't you (or anybody else) encounter the same problem whilst using Roundcube? I'm wondering why it is just me...
I did not encounter it, and ive been using that code for a while. It probably has something to do with php.ini settings with regards to session lifetime/divisor/probability etc. My usage pattern on my dev vagrant box probably causes an extremely low probability of actual garbage collection happening.
Anyways, we are done yes. Unless you notice any other problems, in which case let us know and post some error logs.
thanks for reporting,