Thunderbird lets you specify folder names in your preferences for sent, drafts, trash.  These folders could even be on a different server.  I'm not advocating that level of flexibility, but config-file driven folder names seems like a good balance of flexibility and simplicity.


On Wed, 14 Jun 2006 10:27:04 +0000, Michiel van den Berg wrote:

Fair enough, Folders are not created with me. ill leave the solution I created now in my own webmail just copied this behaviour from squirrelmail and thunderbird as they do create the folders upon first opening the mailbox. Anyway I dont believe setting a 'fixed' name for folders like drafts, sent or trash will be any problem. as long as the webmail knows where to send the items (thunderbird also uses fixed folder names)

On Wed, 14 Jun 2006 08:31:31 +0200, Thomas Bruederli wrote:
> Hi,
> Actually RoundCube attempts to create the mailboxes as they are needed.
> For example in program/steps/mail/ around line 288 or in
> program/include/ near line 1016.
> This is only done if the folders for Sent and Trash are specified on the
> config file.
> There have been some discussions if mailboxes should automatically be
> created by a client on the first login. We decided not to create them at
> login but as they are needed. If this does not work correctly, then you
> should try to find out why.
> Your patch would not fit everybody's needs and will not be added to the
> SVN. The names of those folders are not always Sent, Trash and Drafts
> but can also be Sent Messages, Deleted Messages, etc.
> Regards,
> Thomas
> Michiel van den Berg wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Do not know if to report this as bug or feature request.
>> When creating a new email box on a ISP mail server usually the folders
>> are created upon first mail or by the mail client. in this case only the
>> inbox is created upon first mail before when using squirrelmail or
>> thunderbird via imap the client would create the appropriate other boxes
>> (drafts, trash and sent) roundcube does not do this yet, which leads to
>> errors when writing new messages or deleting existing messages from new
>> inboxes.
>> Sorry to not post a patch right now I just noticed this and might come
>> up with a patch later.
>> rds,
>> Michiel van den Berg