Sorry, missed it. Does that mean there is a patch already for it in the CVS ??
Craig Whitmore wrote:
I posted this bug a week or so ago.
localhost (for whatever reason) is hardcoded in and should use "EHLO the_computers_hostname_you_are_running_the_webmail_on" EHLO (or HELO) introduces itself's name to the remote SMTP Server.
not EHLO thesmtpserveryourtalkingto or EHLO losthost (unless you are talking to the localhost)
Thanks Craig
----- Original Message ----- From: "George Loeppky" To: Sent: Friday, December 23, 2005 10:07 AM Subject: Remote sendmail
Hello All,
I emailed earlier regarding a problem with Non-standard remote sendmail ports. It turns out that my problem was due to improper server_name detection in program/include/ line 76. I don't know if your CVS file is different than mine. The line is: $helo_host = !empty($_SERVER['server_name']) ? $_SERVER['server_name'] : 'localhost';
My sendmail server disallows localhost for the EHLO command which is what it would have defaulted to. I guess my provider thought it was a good security measure, I'm no expert so I can't argue either way.
Anyway, I fixed this by adding: // use this name instead of the local servername for EHLO command $rcmail_config['smtp_server_name'] = '';to the file and by replacing line 76 with: $helo_host = !empty($_SERVER['server_name']) ? $_SERVER['server_name'] : $CONFIG['smtp_server_name'];
This of course means that rcmail_config['smtp_server_name'] needs to be defaulted to 'localhost' for normal/default conditions.
I'm sure there is probably a better name than 'smtp_server_name' but I figured you would know better what to name it than I. I'm not even sure if this is the right way to fix the problem, but I figured I would pass it on to you and let you decide what you want to do to handle this in your production code.
Kind Regards, George