Hi everyone,

We're trying to install RoundCube-0.4.2 and make it work with our couple IMAP servers. These servers are very different - different ports, different namespace (user's homedir) and etc.. So after reading the manual http://trac.roundcube.net/wiki/Howto_Config we've been trying to set up dynamic configuration for each of our mailservers. However, unsuccessfully. Maybe anyone could help with this, or at least anyone could report that this feature is really working?

In my main.inc.php:
$rcmail_config['default_host'] = array('mydomain1.com', 'mydomain2.com');
// try to load host-specific configuration
// see http://trac.roundcube.net/wiki/Howto_Config for more details
$rcmail_config['include_host_config'] = array(
   'mydomain1.com' => 'domain1.inc.php',
   'mydomain2.com' => 'domain2.inc.php',

Simply these few lines above does nothing. I can write both in domain1.inc.php and domain2.inc.php such content as : <?php die(); ?> , but roundcube doesn't die - so these files aren't included and aren't merged with main array.

If I add arrays with different ports, namespaces etc, it still binds to that one (e.g. port) described in main.inc.php.

I've been tried this feature about half year ago, but it still remains unfixed.

We're using:
PHP            5.2.12 .
Roundcube    0.4.2 .

Best Regards