If I understand A.L.E.C.'s Ideas right:
- Each plugin has an init.php which registers to events:
/myplugin/init.php: init_plugin('init', 'functionname'); init_plugin('showmail', 'functionname');
Yes, but I'd prefer an object-oriented approach: http://lists.roundcube.net/mail-archive/dev/2008-06/0000038.html
- the Controller does a loop over the plugin/subdirectories to get these
Right. This procedure could even be cached for performance reasons.
as log as we have only some plugins caching shouldn't be a topic.
I think it does not make sence to implement a full featured plugin
if we do not need it right now. But we should be able to extend it to a monster if we need to do so
Isn't open source great ;-)
OK, I think we got a good idea of how it should be implemented. I hope I could code a small prototype this weekend, but I do not guarantee. I will ask the list to test it afterwards.
Thanks for your comments.
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