WOW, the LDAP discussion is going on. great! I am really not a LDAP guru, but I think others here are. Well, I will continue this discussion to find out how a good implementation could become. I will then try to implement it somehow, at least for me, but others could be interested as well....
I try to conclude the feedback and my opinion:
contains firstname, surname, middlename title, and what ever, but in my opinion it must not be editable its own, only the parts of it. Another question is, what is used as identifier, the DN on the LDAP. I think in RC the composed "name" is used, and I can live with that. For the DN I have seen the CN (which corresponds to the "name" field) or even the email address. This can allready be configured with now (LDAP_rdn).
situation as well, it must be configurable. In RC 0.4.2, the "email" and "name" fields are mandatorry (in program/steps/addressbook/ and program/js/app.js), but if I add e.g. an entry from my cell phone with just a surname and a phone number, I will as well be able to change the phone number with RC without setting a valid name/email... clear what I mean?
In my opinion it is too simple today. The best would be to let it configured as well.
subdirectorries for the groups. It fits all my needs and I will try to implement add/del/change groups in RC. This could look like that: my base_dn: ou=abook,dc=server example of an ungrouped address : cn=Firstname Surname,ou=abook,dc=server group exsample: o=My Groupe,ou=abook,dc=server example of an grouped address : cn=Firstname Surname,o=My Groupe,ou=abook,dc=server
Patrik pointed that ou would fit better for the group: ou=My Groupe,ou=abook,dc=server I think this should be configured as well.
that lot of information without redundancy? I will let you know if I have a proposition.
Andreas _______________________________________________ List info: BT/aba52c80