Thanks a lot Ryan and David for contributing the splitter code. It is available in SVN trunk now.
I've changed it a bit and took it away from the core functions and added it to the skins folder. It now reads and writes cookies in order to save the state. There are some little visual differences between Firefox, IE and Safari which are caused by different interpretations of DomObj.offsetTop and DomObj.offsetHeight. I hope I can get rid of them one day...
Saving the state to a cookie and applying it on load is not the best choice because you can see the objects moving from their initial size to the saved size. To omit this effect, RoundCube will have to learn how to save GUI objects properties and read them right when the page HTML is created...
Regards, Thomas
David Glick wrote:
Thanks for throwing this up here Ryan. Here's an updated patch (for svn 410) that also works in IE and Opera in addition to Firefox. (Can someone test Safari?) This one also resizes the splitter bar when the window is resized. The setting still isn't saved in user_prefs but I'm sure Ryan will have that working soon... peace, David Glick