It turns out that after manually changing the action field in the login template the list of messages shows up correctly. That is a great step at least.
I think that if RoundCube should work with IIS all self-referencing forms must shall at least point to "index.php". But it would be better if it would point to the path provided via $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]. So the code in clean php, the JavaScript scripts, the template parsing and the templates might need to be adjusted.
Now after being logged in I'm unable to open any message or use any of the buttons. I think that the reason for that is the (in the view of IIS) "wrong" self-reference.
Do you see a change to change that behavious so that every self-refernce uses the scripts real path - or at least that until there is a final solution that "index.php" is used instead of "./" ?
Addition: IIS is configured to look for "index.php" automatically if only a reference to the directory is passed. That way adressing http://localhost/mail opens the "index.php" as wanted.
Thanks a lot
Von: Sven Nickel []
Gesendet: Freitag, 21. Oktober 2005 19:01
An: ''
Betreff: Login fails using RoundCube under IIS Web Server (Windows XP) with "HTTP 405"

Hallo RoundCube Developers!
I have installed RoundCube under IIS (Windows XP German) and am running MySQL and PHP on the same system. I have got the problem that when I open the login page (http://localhost/mail.index.php), type in the correct user information and then press the Login button it just gives me the page for "HTTP 405 - Resource not allowed".
I think that it has to do with the way IIS reacts the the action field that is provided in the login form:
    <form name="form" action="./" method="post">
If I save the html source and replace the action field above with 'action="index.php"' the list of messages turns up. I myself did some PHP/MySQL development but don't have a clue what the problem here is. I think that I should get further if RoundCube would not only provider "./" in den login field but also the complete address of the file. I don't really know if it would solve the problem but at least the login should work - so I think - if RoundCube would use 'action=\"" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]'.
What do you think about that?
Thanks a lot
Sven Nickel
Berlin, Germany
ICQ: 18256397