sorry that i did not clearly outline my intension.
till wrote:
Hi Raoul!
On 6/5/07, Raoul Bhatia [IPAX] wrote:
as i am currently not happy with the rc1 in svn, i wonder which version should be used to stay close to the "next to be stable" version.
RC is an opensource project, and opensource means that when you are not happy with it, you write a patch and submit.
rc1 is an efford to release more often - if you follow the list the last official release of RC had been a pretty long time ago.
basically i wanted to know
which branch/tag to switch to so i a) have got the current patches and b) do not stray far away from the to-come -rc2/-stable versions so i can c) test, debug and write bugreports and even patches.
which tag/branch is meant for which purpose as it is not clear and there is no easy-to-find explanation on the website. having this information would allow me (and perhaps others) to figure out which directory to "svn switch" to.
trunk? branches/devel-vnext?
As for a basic explaination of "devel-vnext" - I am trying to refactor the code as I see and implement a PLUGIN api. I restarted my work last week and it's based on rc1. If you have additions (requests, patches) etc., please let me know.
thank you for this explanation - what are the other branches and trunk meant for? which of the branches is closed and should not be worked on? which is open for development?
kind regards, raoul bhatia
ps: yes, i know what opensource is, yes, i know how subversion is working (at least the basics) and yes, i know that the directory structure can be abused :)