I just installed Round Cube (v 0.1-20051021) and it doesn't seem to work quite as I expected.  I couldn't find any online forums or other FAQ info, so if this is the wrong place to ask such questions please do send me in the correct direction :)

Anyway, I'll start with my config in case it matters:

Apache version: 2.0.53
PHP Version: 5.0.4
MySQL Version: 4.1.14
IMAP Server (not on the web server): Macallan Mial

Anyway..  Everything seems to work at first.  I see a list of my IMAP folders and messages, as expected.  However, when I double-click a subject instead of pulling up the body it just refreshes and does nothing else.  I also get odd errors when I try to delete mails.

Worth noting is that I have been running Squirl Mail for over a year and am curious if something that client did might have changed something in my IMAP folders.  I have not yet created an entirely new user on the mail server to see if it helps, but I will tonight.

Thanks for any tips.