I have put up what I have so far on my server: http://trac.grelck.net/roundcube .  The SVN server is at https://svn.grelck.net/public/roundcube .  I'm still playing with the user administration, etc.

Thomas: let me know if you would like me to continue.


On 5/5/06, Thomas Bruederli <roundcube@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi everybody

I followed the conversation about the SF CVS problem and noticed all the
suggestions for switching to SVN, to another server or even to move away
from SourceForge. Just to make clear, I'm aware of the current CVS
problems and I'm interested in better solution as well as you all are.

The reason why I chose SF was the availability of tools without having
to configure them by myself. This is something I still don't want to do
and what I don't have time for.

In October 2005 we discussed about setting up a Trac system which would
combine a wiki for documentation, a bug tracker and a SVN server
together in one box. We all agreed that this would be a very nice tool
for further development.
Then somebody offered to install Trac on his server (I don't have a
server with Python available) and started setting up the service. Due
lack of time, this was not finished and somebody else offered to take
care of that and set up a new Trac installation. This was in December
2005. The result of that can be seen at http://trac.roundcube.net/. He
imported a snapshot from the CVS and all SF tracker data and I added
some styling to the new platform. We discussed some details about user
management and some configuration changes and the Trac installation got
finished for about 90%. February 26 was the last time I heard from
Steeve and asked him for a target date when we can move data from SF to
our new platform. Unfortunately an answer is still missing...

As you can see, serious attempts were made to move away from SF but the
main problem of open source projects is the quick loss of interest and
the missing reliability of some project members. I can understand that
since I have very little time for the project myself.

After almost half a year, I call again for somebody who is willing to
install and to maintain a Trac system, which is still a very good
solution for our project, I guess. I can provide DNS entries, styles for
the Trac site and some adapted Python scripts for importing data from SF.

In the mean time, I published another CVs snapshot and we could move to
the SF SVN server until we (hopefully) have our Trac platform ready.

Comments are welcome...
