Hi Torsten,
On 2013-01-22 1:21, Torsten Grote wrote:
Hi Rob,
why don't you get yourself a Kolab Server instead of trying to fiddle everything together manually?
That's a fair question. I did look at Kolab before posting my question, I like the project, there's certainly demand for great open source groupware, and I hope it continues to grow and do well. There are a few reasons I'm not jumping into it right now:
do offer benefits, but there are also common drawbacks: updates to individual components tend to get held up by other components (and updates in general eventually become a big hairy mess as the project architecture changes), at some point the architecture gets too big for any one developer to get their brain around and spooky bugs start showing up, and once you're locked in to one, it can be really hard to change your mind later and move on to something else. As I have it now, each piece of the server stack is neatly compartmentalized, so I can deal with e.g. SpamAssassin issues separately from Dovecot issues, and if I decide I'd like to give DBMail a try, then I can.
already been framed into the sort of Enterprise-y documentation that will require several days of my time to fully digest. For example, the current documentation for deployment preparation: http://docs.kolab.org/en-US/Kolab_Groupware/3.0/html/Deployment_Guide/chap-D... (Just two headings, "Loading the LDAP Schema" and "System Users", followed by only "Para" for filler text.) Other parts of the documentation look good, so I have no doubt you guys will get this taken care of soon.
pretty clear advantages to that, but a major downside is severe resource constraints. At this time I can't figure out how many users I could support on Kolab with just 1G RAM.
gradually become a subset of a larger project, and I think there are other people who will have reasons for not wanting to switch to something like Kolab (or Horde). For those people, and me, and my customers, I think a slick calendar plugin for RoundCube would be a huge bonus, and if I can do one little thing for the RoundCube project by getting the calendar plugin up and working and fully production tested against a MySQL backend, along with a howto or other documentation afterwards, I'd like to do that.
If you'd like to discuss it further, I'd be happy to do so off-list.
libcalendering can be found here:
Awesome, thank you!