On Fri, 12 May 2006, till wrote:
Exactly. And those of you who admin a project on SF should have recieved a newsletter this morning updating you on the process. To cut to the chase: They plan to roll out the new infrastructure tomorrow and made tons of improvements (especially regarding the stability and "up-to-date-ness" of their public CVS services).
So I guess a little more patience is not bad.
I don't know if you've the last SF mail, but aparently this afternoon CVS will be back up, but with some changes. :-( (well, nothing that can't be modified with find ... :-D).
Just can't wait to get my hands on the latest CVS :-D
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Lic. Martín Marqués | SELECT 'mmarques' || Centro de Telemática | '@' || 'unl.edu.ar'; Universidad Nacional | DBA, Programador, del Litoral | Administrador