I used a generic config file for our hosts to read in the default
domain portion automatically.
However this lead to a fun time of getting \n characters in the domain
added to the database. These things should probably be sanity checked
for arb escape chars before being inserted, such as...
patch main.inc
< $user,
< $host,
< $user_email,
str_replace("\n", '', $user),
str_replace("\n", '', $host),
str_replace("\n", '', $user_email),
Colin Alston ~
"There have been forums where, out of some misguided sense of
hyper-courtesy, participants are banned from posting any fault-finding
with another's posts, and told 'Don't say anything if you're unwilling
to help the user.' The resulting departure of clueful participants to
elsewhere causes them to descend into meaningless babble and become
useless as technical forums." - Eric Steven Raymond