Here is my problem.
               I have been rying to install the roundcube mail on an integreted php dev with built in support for php, mysql(on windows) as well since the last four days. I am frustrated as I dont know much about the PHP thing. I was asked by my client to integrate the product wiht one of the applications.
                I stated with getting the error 500 which I removed and then got as error regarding the PATHSEPERATOR . Then I included the line :
if (!defined('PATH_SEPARATOR')) define('PATH_SEPARATOR', ';');
 at top of my index.php file as suggested by one of the gentlemen.Thereafter I did not get as error but the screen I get is blank. In the server Log it says :
[24-Apr-2006 15:31:25] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function: query() in c:\phpdev\www\roundcubemail\program\include\ on line 213
I tried to change the function and looked out for it but I found that the function does not expect any arguments but the line which calls it does send it two arguments. I am pasting below the codesnippet of the Function query() and the call to that function also:
Path :
phpdev\www\roundcubemail\program\inlcude\ rcube_db:
The Definition of the Function:
* Execute a SQL query
* @param string SQL query to execute
* @param mixed Values to be inserted in query
* @return number Query handle identifier
* @access public
function query()
$params = func_get_args();
$query = array_shift($params);
return $this->_query($query, 0, 0, $params);
And rthis is the line no which generated the error :213:
the call:
    if ($numrows || $offset)
      $result = $this->db_handle->limitQuery($query,$offset,$numrows,$params);
      $result = $this->db_handle->query($params, $query);
Pls help me guys any kind of help would be accepted with loads of gratitude. You cannot imagine what predicament I am in. I am very new to all this pls let me know that is it possible even at the first place to install it on windows + Apache+ PHP + MySql combination and testing on the windows locally. Would it open up???? Though I've already tried to install on the linux server at the domain but of no avail.
(I've already tried PaulSchamuaoutu notes for the installation and wonder how people say it is a ten minutes job to install the product and has a clean installation procedure).
                  I am Stuck guys pls help.    
Humbly,                                                                                                                                                Vivek.

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