Sorry I didnt see that I was only replying to you.
I invite everyone to read the whole conversation.

The flag you are talking about is not what I would really expect. It should be like I describe in my other mail :
"I suggest an array, or a mysql table, with 3 (or 4) fields "display_name", "domain", "host" (and maybe "port"). So in the login you can show the "display_name" (for example showing "DELL France" instead of "") then add the "domain" field to the RC login field to get the entire email, and finally connect to the "host" field ( i.e., and maybe on "port" port) to make the request.
I hope i was clear enough because I'm not very good at explaining things."



On 2/17/06, Jon Daley <> wrote:
        Please reply on-list, since as you can see, I don't really know
what I am talking about...  (:

        I hadn't thought about the case where your web server is not the
imap server as well, so you would actually want it to connect to the other
        I guess what you want in the default_host array is a flag to say
whether to just append the server name to the login, and connect to the
localhost, or actually connect to the remote host.

On Fri, 17 Feb 2006, Mykeul wrote:
> Hum.. Here I see I wasnt clear enough.
> I try again.
> Lets say I use $rcmail_config['default_host'] = array("slashdotorg ","
>"); in my config file.
> I login as :
> login : myname
> pass : mypass
> server :
>> From what I see, RC connects to the host "" on port 143, asking
> for LOGIN mypass .
> I hope you are OK with that, otherwise I misunderstood something.
> Now lets say the host "" is the dedicated web server, and the
> imap server is "". Now we have a problem because RC will
> try to connect to the web server instead of the imap server. And if you
> enter "" in the $rcmail_config['default_host'] array, OK it
> will connect to, but asking for LOGIN
> mypass.
> Is it OK ? If it is, then re-read my last mail please. If not, explain me
> what i am wrong
> I dont understand what you mean by "instead of handling the login itself".
> Do you mean that it does NOT add to the login when connecting
> to the imap server ?
> Thanks for your help anyway,
> Mykeul
> On 2/17/06, Jon Daley <> wrote:
>>         Hrm, that sounds like strange behavior to me.  Does roundcube
>> really redirect your request to slashdot, instead of handling the login
>> itself?
>> On Fri, 17 Feb 2006, Mykeul wrote:
>>> Yes but this is a "server" field, so with your example, you get a
>> pulldown
>>> menu with "" and "" and if I enter "myname" as
>> a
>>> login, RC will try to authenticate by connecting to
>> host
>>> "".
>>> OK in many situations that is fine. However, in my architecture, the
>> server
>>> resolved as "" is not the imap server and cannot be it.
>>> I suggest an array, or a mysql table, with 3 (or 4) fields
>> "display_name",
>>> "domain", "host" (and maybe "port"). So in the login you can show the
>>> "display_name" (for example showing "DELL France" instead of "
>>> then add the "domain" field to the RC login field to get the entire
>> email,
>>> and finally connect to the "host" field (i.e.,
>> and
>>> maybe on "port" port) to make the request.
>>> I hope i was clear enough because I'm not very good at explaining
>> things.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Mykeul
>>> On 2/17/06, Jon Daley <> wrote:
>>>> On Fri, 17 Feb 2006, Mykeul wrote:
>>>>> - Add a "domain" field in the login form, which may be populated form
>> a
>>>> file
>>>>> or a mysql table, so that the users dont have to write
>> username@domainil
>>>>> the login field. It is useful for multi domains hosts. (I saw
>> something
>>>>> talking about a relation host/domain in the config file but I didnt
>>>>> understand)
>>>> You know that you can do this, right?
>>>> $rcmail_config['default_host'] =
>>>>       array("","");
>> **************************************
>> Jon Daley
>> The problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard.

Jon Daley

Any tool, when dropped, will roll into the least accessible corner.
-- Anthony's Law of the Workshop