Thank you for your input. I understand the limited concerns, but while I have so far been happy to accept my opinion being overruled, this is one of the few things that I will not compromise on.

I further think "dont tell me meta data is more important than data" sums up my technical argument quite neatly. Just make your commit log printer ignore any commits from my username for a set time period and the problem is solved ;-)

And: If you check on the other PRs, you will find them containing far less commits with more changes compounded into one commit. I'd be happy to further drive that number down in the future - the only reason why I kept it like this for this one PR was so that it could be followed and we could discuss it in detail. But that is unrelated to my requirement of getting proper credit ;-)

On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 12:52 PM, Cor Bosman <> wrote:
I think you both have a valid point, but I tend to lean towards Alec's point.

These PRs do not add any functionality to the code. They're 'merely' code cleanups. I put that between quotes because it's awesome work and i for one am very happy someone is taking that on. But I agree with Alec that committing every single section of cleanup as a new commit is kind of excessive.  So I hope David will agree to send cleanup PRs as single (or smaller) commits.

On the other hand, if both of you remain resolved in your opinion, then for heaven's sake, dont tell me meta data is more important than data.  Just accept the googol of commits and be happy with the code itself.


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