Hello all,

I use 0.2-beta.

I filter some messages, using procmail, to specific folders on my IMAP server. When I log in to roundcube, these new messages in subfolders does not show, until I click the folder? It seems that Roundcube does not check for new messages in other folders than the inbox?

This is reported to have been fixed in 0.1-beta2, accourding to this bug report: http://trac.roundcube.net/ticket/1326401

Has this bugfix somehow escaped 0.2-beta?

Best regards,

Jes Kasper Klittum

Med venlig hilsen,

Jes Kasper Klittum
Teknisk administrator
enavn ApS
Ringstedgade 11A, 3 sal
DK-4700 Nęstved
Tel.: +45 88 20 50 04
Email: jes@enavn.com