Without looking into it, I would guess this is a similar issue to the gmail problem that was reported earlier, with the "\n" solution you mentioned.

I have qmail-scanner and roundcube installed, I'll try to see if my config rejects RC messages or not (later today hopefully) and will let you know.

Dave Wood

On 14/11/05, Thomas Bruederli <roundcube@gmail.com> wrote:
Without any example or further explanation, we can't do anything to
resolve this. I don't know what kind of "Disallowed characters" have
been found in MIME headers...


Dan Finn wrote:
> I am running the latest version of qmail-scanner and
> have seen the same results on 2 different servers.
> When an email is sent from roundcube to an account on
> a server running qmail-scanner I get the following
> results in the mail.log file:
> Nov 11 13:58:10 evp qmail-scanner[20586]:
> Clear:RC:0( 0 1100
> root@domain <> problem_found_in_sent_message_"test"
> evp113174629049320586-root@domain
> quarantine-event.txt:1000
> and then in the quarantine.log file that qmail-scanner
> keeps:
> Fri, 11 Nov 2005 13:58:10 PST   dfinn@fromdomain.com
> dfinn@recieptdomain.com    test    Disallowed
> characters found in MIME headers    clamdscan:
> 0.87/1168. sophie: 3.04/2.31/3.99. spamassassin: 2.20.
> Maybe I should be sending this to the qmail-scanner
> guys but I thought you guys might want be interested.
> When you reply please also send directly to me as I'm
> not on the list.
> __________________________________
> Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005
> http://mail.yahoo.com