A.L.E.C wrote:
Dennis P. Nikolaenko wrote:
_skipDelimitedStrings() essentially counts ' to get the idea where strings start and end. It does not handle the case when string contains embedded '
I thought it was fixed in MDB2 package, see http://trac.roundcube.net/log/trunk/roundcubemail/program/lib/MDB2.php
I think you're both right. It looks like the heart of the problem behind (http://trac.roundcube.net/ticket/1485504) is that MDB2.php in roundcube's svn trunk hasn't been updated with that fix. Thanks Dennis and Alec.
$sql = "update contacts set firstname = 'test's' where contact_id=?"; $sql_result = $RCMAIL->db->query($sql,'91');
Fails with the rc's version of MDB2.php and succeeds with MDB2.php 2.5.0b1
I'm sorry I first reported it as a quoting/stripping problem in roundcube's contact logic.
Best, Ziba
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