I still can't get the default password to work, can someone help me please?


On 2/6/06, kaotik <kaotik1@gmail.com > wrote:
This still doesn't seem to work for me. It uses username but the password field comes up blank. I also tried using an "iframe" instead of doing a "require". The same thing happened; user ok but no pass. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Is there an alternative solution?

Thank you

On 2/5/06, Sjon < roundcube.net@spider007.net> wrote:
I still think the following approach will be the best:
(quoting from a previous mail of mine)

> It probably works if you do the following:
> $_POST['_user'] = 'username';
> $_POST['_pass'] = 'password';
> $_POST['_action'] = 'login';
> require 'roundcubemail/index.php';
> This is very ugly though, overwritting superglobal values; but it works ;)


kaotik wrote:
> Hi
> First off let me say that roundcube is an excelent webmail client!
> I first sent this question to the users mailing list but since no one
> responded I sent it here hoping there's an easy answer to it.
> I'm tring to integrate roundcube into Xoops and want to use $user and
> $pass set from Xoops (it's from another routine which allows each user
> to have multiple accounts), is it possible to set a default $user and
> $pass the same way as $host can be set through $CONFIG['default_host']?
> Thank you
> Lenny Lino