Norwegian bokmål translation for Roundcube Webmail:

Please note there are two official languages in Norway; Norwegian bokmål (nb / nb_NO) and Norwegian nynorsk (nn / nn_NO). In Roundcube, the generic "no" is used, which usually means nb_NO (no_NO might be allowed, but less common).

It would be nice if you could update ./program/localization/ to include the following:

        'nb'    => 'Norsk (bokmål)',
        'nn'    => 'Norsk (nynorsk)',

and remove

        'no'    => 'Norsk (bokmål)',

Also, if I could make a suggestion, why not use the full locale (en_US, nb_NO, es_ES and so on) for translations? Gettext support could be nice too, but few strings so not that important yet :)

Thanks for a nice webmail project! I will be submitting the Norwegian nynorsk nn/nn_NO translation soon.