Hi list,
I've just started playing with RoundCube, looks great so far..!
I can't see a list archive, so maybe some of this has already been discussed, but I'm seeing some issues using RoundCube with a pgsql database:
Some of the queries use backticks to quote column names - pgsql uses double quotes. Given that "default" is a bit of a tricky name to use for a column, is it worth renaming it, rather than doing lots of tricky code to make sure the quotes are right for the database? The same probably goes for column names like "language" and "reply-to".
My install of PostgreSQL (v8.0.1) doesn't have a function named unix_timestamp(). I hacked one up as: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION unix_timestamp(TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE) RETURNS INTEGER AS ' BEGIN RETURN round(EXTRACT( EPOCH FROM $1 )); END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
I get errors if I leave caching enabled - I've just turned it off for now, but I'm guessing that the serialised data contains something that pgsql doesn't like.
Amongst the spam and assorted junk that is my inbox, I have a message with no Date header. RoundCube generated errors for that too. The following seems to do the trick:
--- program/include/main.inc.orig +++ program/include/main.inc @@ -890,7 +890,9 @@ { global $CONFIG, $sess_user_lang;
Steve Bennett