OK, very handy, if the config has to be available within the plugin only.
But if to access the config on a global level, we have to include the config file
in rcube_config.php.
Could I do ...
global $CONFIG;
$CONFIG = array_merge ...
or better
$rcmail->config = array_merge ...
... within a plugin?
Cor Bosman: It would solve the unnecessary file stats and no Core modifications are necessary.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert King" <robk@mun.ca>
To: "RoundCube Dev" <dev@lists.roundcube.net>
Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2009 5:42 PM
Subject: Re: [RCD] Load plugin config from plugin folder

> On Sun, 17 May 2009 13:03:37 -0230, Robert King <robk@mun.ca> wrote:
>> In my plugins I've been calling a function in the plugin init of:
>> class plugin_name extends rcube_plugin
>> {
>> public function init()
>> {
>> _load_config();
>> }
>> private function _load_config()
>> {
>> include('config.inc.php');
>> $this->config = (array) $_config;
>> }
>> }
> Forgot this important detail:
> class plugin_name extends rcube_plugin
> {
> private $config;
> ...
> }
> --
> Robert King
> System Administrator
> Computing & Communications
> Memorial University
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