
On Sat, 18 Feb 2012 18:00:49 +0100, Thomas Bruederli wrote:

Claudio Filho wrote:
Hi 2012/2/16 till <till@php.net>:
In theory, all plugins are created equal. Which problem are you guys trying to solve exactly?
Upgrade. Some days ago, i added many plugins in my env. How i found a package with *many* plugins, after unpack it, was impossible see fast what is or isn't of core. Was necessary I unpack a RC and see what is core and not, to exclude what i not like, with risk of delete a core module.
Use rsync to update your installation or use our built-in bin/installto.sh script which does exactly the same. ~Thomas


But the ultra-useful script (I really thank it!) does not upgrade 3rd party plugins. Same for skins. And there are plugins working on version 0.5 that are not working on the actual one and need to be redownloaded and reconfigured. In fact, This is the reason for http://trac.roundcube.net/ticket/1488175 . This first step (separate core plugins from the rest) would be a step in that direction.

When you are a sysadmin and have lots of mail servers, you find all this things very useful (as the script bin/installto.sh).

Thanks a lot!!